the sky tree


Eclipse from GOBELINS pro on Vimeo.

Sur une planète éloignée, deux scientifiques venus analyser le terrain pour ses particularités magnétiques sont confrontés à un phénomène extraordinaire lié à une éclipse de lune. On a distant planet, two sientists analyzing the field for its magnetic properties are facing an extraordinary phenomen linked to the lunar eclipse. De Théo GUIGNARD, Nöé LECOMBRE, Hugo MORENO, étudiants de la formation Concepteur et réalisateur de films d'animation (3e année) à GOBELINS, l'école de l'image. Durée : 4 minutes. Distribution : La distribution des films produits par GOBELINS, l'école de l'image est assurée par L'Agence du court métrage. Contact :


this very short shot is a chromatic exercise and also a reminder that always after the smoke comes liberation. . . thank you UAKTI for the sound.

soundescape III

soundescape II

soundescape I

a joint is not the only thing we should pass on

Permaculture way

This is a 2 part video on how to create a Food Forest ( from day 1 till later on to month, even years) imitating nature and all it's complex / complicated ways of regenerating and bounding energies *
Teacher Geoff Lawton presents the amazing cycles which involve all living creatures in an amalgam of universal laws and communication systems for the beautifulness of the truth we all long to hear about.
no concrete. just green.
> because the videos were to large to upload i added only the short promo video that was available. you can try to download it or get a cd with the full length part 1 and 2 that can be sent to you if you leave an address, it s free of any charge, as long as you pass it on to other people! enjoy

thanks to Katharina, Biofarm Land.
you can also go to:

"You can change the world with every bite.
Hungry for some change?"

ermitaj malin: mondialisation: le travail, pourquoi ?

ermitaj malin: mondialisation: le travail, pourquoi ?: "2 videos de Daniel Barthe: la notion de travail dans l'histoire et son exploitation actuelle par le pouvoir partie 1 (14 min) partie 2..."